Friday, 17 May 2013

Red is Red?

In life there are many mysteries, and we all want to know the answers to them. What if in actual fact, there isn’t one answer, just an answer relevant to your understanding of the way the world works, physics, morals and ethics, religion and everything else that affects our daily lives. When asking someone from a developed nation what is a vital part of their daily life, they may answer “my phone” or “my daily espresso” . but ask someone who lives in poverty and they may say “food and water”. To each of these people’s daily lives they interpret these things as vital and they are both correct. As we travel through the world our life, our experiences and our understanding of the world around us will change dramatically. If this simple question of “what is vital” can vary this much, it is impossible not to draw a conclusion that facts, vary as our understanding of life varies. And to be truly happy, or to find the meaning of life, may only be possible by understanding your life and your world. There can’t be a blanket answer that applies to all people, as everyone interprets the world around them differently.


 I leave you with one thought. The colour Red, scientifically falls in a certain spectrum of the radiation range that our eyes interact with and tell our brain: ”oh look, that ball is red “ but who is to say that the shade of colour that I am seeing is identical to what you are seeing. Yes we are both seeing the same item, and yes the item does reflect light at a certain wave length, but what if what I see and have learnt to call “red” is what you see as “blue” who says that people don’t interpret these differently in their own brain. If this was the case, people would have a different favourite colour, or might think that two colour’s clash when another person thinks they look good together. Which is common amongst all human beings. So try and live your life look at things like I look at the colour red, use the motto, “this is what I know as red, it could be blue to someone else, and who’s to say that one day I might start thinking its actually green?” keep an open mind     

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