Thursday 30 May 2013

Yolo... A Modern Day Philosophy? or just and excuse to stuff up.

Yolo has sky rocketed to popular culture in recent years thanks to Internet memes such as the one pictured below. The intent of Yolo has always been an Innocent one, trying to remind people you only live once so take every opportunity that comes your way. but it has taken on a second more disturbing meaning of take risks and make mistakes, because hey.. you only live once. Is it possible the Internet has fuelled the fire that lead to the downfall of what could be a very reasonable and practical way of life, and turned it into a joke about "teens today".

Throughout history there has always been saying that are reminiscent of Yolo such as seize the day, but none have been miss used and abused in the manor that Yolo has. By living your life by the belief of Yolo, you in effect are saying that because you only live once you plan to take every opportunity life throws at you, make the most of each situation and not waste your time on meaningless / depressing things. This is a philosophy allot of people live by, trying to fit as much into there life a physically possible. But throughout the Internet, the meaning has started to become miss used to such a level that it is now a joke. Whilst it is true in most belief systems that you only live once, and I don't think many people disagree that life is meant to be all about the experience that shape you, people are posting twitter post's with comments like "crashed my car last night...oh well #yolo" or "I smoke weed everyday because #yolo".

If you look at the term Yolo, it reminds us of things such as mortality and the absoluteness of death, and this is were the irony of the modern day use of the term Yolo comes into play. If you only live once, why would you knowingly partake in a high risk activity, which has a high likely hood to ending it all.

I myself try to live life remembering this everyday, that's why i started this blog, because i wanted to try things and experience things. I lived an extremely high risk lifestyle in my teen years, partaking in many illegal and high risk activities. I had some very close calls to either ending up in jail or dead, But I came through the other side, I cleaned my life up and I learnt allot. I learn that life is valuable, and knowingly putting yourself in situations that are high risk of ending negatively, is for me at least..... a waste. I now take opportunities as they come to me (as long as I believe i will benefit in some way from it) and actively seek out was to improve my life.

So what do you think? is yolo a way to live your life? have you ever said yolo after something stupid? or do you think that its just too risky... comment below and let us know.

Monday 27 May 2013

is Dr. Who a Religion? or at least a Philosophy?

Many of you (myself included) may be fans of the BBC show Dr Who. Dr Who started in 1963 as a tv show about a time travelling alien who travels through time and space in a blue Police call box called "TARDIS" and the adventures he gets upto! but throughout its now 50 year history The Doctor has built up a massive devoted fan base of people who hang on his every word. The Doctor has touched many people lives (both in real life and his companions in the TV show) in an irreversable way and is very strongly themed around what is right and wrong and the battle of good vs evil. But is this enough to make The Doctor a religion?

Religion, sometimes used interchangeably with faith, is commonly defined as belief concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the practices and institutions associated with such belief. And to those who follow The Doctor there is no doubt that the is supernatural! for those of you who dont watch the TV series, The Doctor is an alien, who travels through time and space, he has the ability to regenerate after death and has intercepted human history at many vital junctions to asist in the survival of the human race. The Doctor seemingly knows all about the universe and its possibilities and is the last of a species know as "time lords" the doctor takes many forms throught his 50 year tv and the TARDIS gives him the abillity to apear differently and speak in different languages depending on what time period and geographical location he is at. This certainly draws many similarities to the Christian Deity known only as God. Scripture says God is all knowing and all powerfull, God is everywhere, all the time, and god is infinante, he always has been and always will be. God's true name is never spoken and he appears to people in different forms throughout history and his prophets.

When drawing similarity's to The Doctor you see there are countless conclusions to be made and you must have an open mind to this. as i said god is all knowing and all powerfull, the doctor seems to know everything about the universe and its existence, and with the aid of his trusty sonic screwdriver is seemingly able to complete any task, God is everywhere all the time, as a Time Lord, The Doctor is able to travel to any point in time and space at will (which could certainly give the illusion of being everywhere at once.) in scripture God's true name is never spoken, he has many names bt he is never know as Bob, or Frank. The Doctor is always just know as The Doctor, or Doctor Who? no matter what the situation his name is never mentioned even when asked. But to form a religion there is more needed than just a supernatural figurehead, religions give us sructure and an understanding of morals and ethics.

The Darleks are The Doctors, oldest foe's, they are known to be evil incarnate according to the doctor. although The Doctor faceess many foes the Dalreks just keep coming back for more. through all episodes of Dr. Who there is a sturgle between good (The Doctor) and evil. The Doctors role seems to be a protector, a defender of evil for the whole universe. and through these morals and ethics taught the doctor has touched many people lives. many people learn leasons which they apply to there everyday life from watching the doctor.

the purpose of this article wasnt a comprihensive history of Dr. Who, nor was it sugesting that Dr. Who is god and should be worshiped acordingly. It was mearly a comparison between the fictional TV show of Dr Who and one of the Worlds main religions. The Intent was not to offend, nor was it to start a new world order of "Whovians" worshiping a Deity known as The Doctor. it was mearly writen to  make you think, to make you question what you belive, and perhaps just maybe.... to make you realise that religion can be different things to different people, and what constitues religion varries.  

Thursday 23 May 2013

wrong and right?

who's to say whats wrong and whats right? why should should a government base there laws on rules of one religion, when 99% of nations are multicultural. what do you consider right and wrong.....? does it line up with your nations laws, and if it doesn't does that make you an anarchist? my personal view is that something that is "right" is something that benefits your life in a positive way..... yet doesn't affect or harm any other living thing directly in a negative way. So by this definition eating junk food or smoking is morally OK. But blowing smoke in someones face... is wrong. which brings in to question the topic of context. in what context can different actions be right or wrong? let us know whatyou think in the comment section below.

Friday 17 May 2013

Red is Red?

In life there are many mysteries, and we all want to know the answers to them. What if in actual fact, there isn’t one answer, just an answer relevant to your understanding of the way the world works, physics, morals and ethics, religion and everything else that affects our daily lives. When asking someone from a developed nation what is a vital part of their daily life, they may answer “my phone” or “my daily espresso” . but ask someone who lives in poverty and they may say “food and water”. To each of these people’s daily lives they interpret these things as vital and they are both correct. As we travel through the world our life, our experiences and our understanding of the world around us will change dramatically. If this simple question of “what is vital” can vary this much, it is impossible not to draw a conclusion that facts, vary as our understanding of life varies. And to be truly happy, or to find the meaning of life, may only be possible by understanding your life and your world. There can’t be a blanket answer that applies to all people, as everyone interprets the world around them differently.


 I leave you with one thought. The colour Red, scientifically falls in a certain spectrum of the radiation range that our eyes interact with and tell our brain: ”oh look, that ball is red “ but who is to say that the shade of colour that I am seeing is identical to what you are seeing. Yes we are both seeing the same item, and yes the item does reflect light at a certain wave length, but what if what I see and have learnt to call “red” is what you see as “blue” who says that people don’t interpret these differently in their own brain. If this was the case, people would have a different favourite colour, or might think that two colour’s clash when another person thinks they look good together. Which is common amongst all human beings. So try and live your life look at things like I look at the colour red, use the motto, “this is what I know as red, it could be blue to someone else, and who’s to say that one day I might start thinking its actually green?” keep an open mind     

Thursday 16 May 2013

Welcome, welcome come One and All!

Welcome to Philosophisationing, a blog all about modern philosophy for the modern man... or woman! people like Plato and Marx may have known there stuff but in this day and age life is extremely different..... and like technology, Philosophy must change with the time's. On this blog I will be posting my views and opinions on current ethical and moral issues in the world, I decided to do this not to tell people that I am right and you're all wrong.... but to give people something to think about and hopefully, help them form there own views and opinions. so feel free to comment and discus everything and anything I post on this page, that's the whole point! to get the world thinking and talking....

Bye for now, but not forever ....... Brodie